Luckily, I remembered that there were certain fruits that actually do help whiten your teeth, and they happened to be ones that Cornelius and I have been using for our fruit smoothies.
The first are, of course, strawberries. One way to whiten your teeth is to crush a strawberry and combine it with baking soda. Just apply it with a toothbrush, and leave the mixture on for five minutes. Take it off by brushing your teeth again, and that's it! You can do this once a week, but don't overdo it. The baking soda could eventually damage the enamel on your teeth.
Another easy DIY teeth whitening trick is to first brush your teeth, then take a section of banana peel and rub it against your teeth for about two minutes. Minerals like potassium, magnesium, and manganese are in the peel, and will absorb into your teeth, helping to whiten them.
I've also heard that eating fruits like apples after meals can also help to remove surface stains, because they remove food particles that are left on the teeth from eating.
How do you keep your pearly whites sparkling?
Some of the fruits and vegetable are useful to the teeth. Some food was the reason of yellow teeth like tea or coffee,eggs. For white teeth you can eat the strawberries which is good for the teeth.
An impressive post, I just gave this to a colleague who is doing a little analysis on Teeth Whitening services Floridaand he is very happy and thanking me for finding it. But all thanks to you for writing in such simple words. Big thumb up for this blog post!